Large GFRP parts
Fiberglass components for wind turbine nacelles and hubs
INPRE COMPOSITES has been manufacturing GFRP nacelle housings and bushings for 30 years, being a leader in Spain since the birth of the sector. In addition to the manufacturing of GFRP components, we assemble and integrate the wind turbine components according to the customer’s specifications. From the reception of the drawings, INPRE COMPOSITES develops the production process, management of the supply chain and final assembly, following the strictest quality standards, with special attention to the care of the environment and the safety of our workers.
Blades for tidal generators
The experience of INPRE COMPOSITES in the manufacture of large GFRP parts, resulted in the start of the manufacture of blades for tidal generators in 2016. We are currently participating in the NEMMO project, funded by the EU within the H2020 framework in collaboration with 11 other companies from 5 countries, with the aim of improving the design and performance of these. Our role is to research new and more resistant resins and develop the production process of novel blades.